September DegustaBox Reveal

Aw yes, it's Degusta time! What ended up being my favorites in the September box?

Last fall, Degusta sent a box of pumpkin flavored mini wheats, and I fell in love. I am a sucker for cereal. I eat it as a meal and as a snack, so this is one of my favorite things to get in a box. This month, they sent more mini wheats, but this time it's the Frosted Mixed Berry that I've been seeing advertised for a little while now. They also have a cinnamon roll flavor, but truth is, I'm glad I got the berry, because it was so good that I had the box gone in one night. There is a little bit of berry flavor inside the wheat square, but not too much. It's the classic mini wheat flavor, but with a slight flavor upgrade. I loved it!

I'm really getting to love the tomato sauces they have sent in the last few boxes. They sent a bottle of Mutti tomato puree this month and I had intended on using it in my homemade spaghetti sauce, but they included the best recipe for tomato basil soup that I now really have to try. We also received Wild Planet Albacore Tuna and Rice Pilaf, which honestly, would make a good meal if you combined the two. 

We are suckers for sauces. This month they sent a Korean BBQ Stir-Fry that looked absolutely delicious. 

To be honest, I wasn't thrilled with these by themselves, but when paired with hummus or a dip or spread of some sort, these bread crisps would be tasty. By themselves, though, they were a little bland. I guess you could throw some in the tomato basil soup that you make from the tomato puree they sent. That would be pretty good actually. I'd definitely dip these in something.

DegustaBox sent King Arthur Chocolate Chip cookies in a previous box, about a month or so ago, and we fell in love with the brand. Then this month they sent Lemon Bar Mix, and I fell in love all over again! The lemon bars are hands down my favorite thing in this month's box. 

My son really enjoyed the Fruit to Go. I tasted both flavors and they were pretty good. Both were full of flavor but not too sweet. 

I'm a sucker for coconut, so heck yeah, coconut chips! I was also thrilled to see that this company makes pineapple and mango chips as well, all of which are my favorite flavors, and would be smashing in a smoothie. I actually saved my coconut chips to sprinkle on top of my lemon bars. So good!

If I had to choose least favorite item in the box, it would be the quinoa medley. Sadly, I wanted to love these, especially with it being mango flavored because I love mango. However, the texture was not my cup of tea. It was a little too gritty? I'm not even sure of the word I want here, but it was... different. Not much of a mango flavor, which may have made it a little easier to get past the texture, but I'm a texture person in general when it comes to food and it just was something I wouldn't put on my desirable list of foods. 

Overall, I loved this month's box. There were plenty of brands and items we already know and love, and I really enjoy trying out the new brands and foods (even if we end up not liking them). That's really the fun of these foodie boxes, and why we love them so much. And since DegustaBox fills these boxes with some items that are brand new, you sometimes get to try thing before they hit your local store shelves!

Like what you see and want to give Degustabox a try? Get $10 off your first box (making it $9.99) When you sign up today!

*Disclosure: This product was received as a sample in exchange for an honest, unbiased, review. The reviews and or opinions on this blog are 100% my own. No monitory compensation was received and I was not required to write a positive review. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising. 
