December DateBox Club Unboxing

My husband and I try to get a date night in at least once a month. Usually we go see a movie together, but sometimes we don't have the time (or a babysitter) to get out of the house for date night. This is when we rely on creativity to have an at home date. Sometimes we move the coffee table, throw some pillows and blankets on the floor, and have an indoor picnic while we watch movies. Other times, we just hang out around our fire pit after the kids are in bed and drink a beer or two while we chat about things. We've been married 10 years and we often run out of ideas. That's why I love DateBox Club.

Each month not only are you sent a box with a few fun and new things for you and your partner to do together, but they also send fun ideas to your email when you sign up for their newsletter! 

All boxes are really creative and include everything you need so there's no running out to get the materials. 

Previously we have got the things to make a terrarium as well as a puzzle of the US and a dialog opener about the places we wish to travel to if we could get up and go right that minute. 

December's box was my favorite so far. I love baking and making things in the kitchen and my husband loves eating. So needless to say, the reindeer "candy" was a hit. Not only were they easy and fun to make, but they tasted delicious. I even went as far as to buy more ingredients afterwards for us to make together with our kiddos. 

This box also included a communication game where you have to guide your partner, letting them know how to form the object on the card using the shapes provided. My kids also really liked this project as well, so clearly some of these boxes can be reused for some quality time with your kids. 

While we made the reindeer, we made use of the "Finish my sentence" card. It's a card that you fold in half and you take turns reading the phrase on your side of the card and then your partner has to finish your sentence with what he or she thinks you would say. This is actually really fun and often times, pretty humorous. 

The last thing that was in the box was a cranberry fig scented candle that my husband and I lit while we made the reindeer and listened to Christmas music. It smelled amazing, and I have always loved the smell of cranberries so that was also a nice addition to the box. It really set the mood. 

What if you can't afford the monthly box right now, but still want some ideas for your next date night?
No problem! 
You can still get FREE date night ideas

DateBox Club has also been doing giveaways each month on their Facebook page, so go give them a like and enter to win each month!

Check out DateBox Club now and get fun, creative ideas for your next date night! 

*Disclosure: This product was received as a sample in exchange for an honest, unbiased, review. The reviews and or opinions on this blog are 100% my own. No monitory compensation was received and I was not required to write a positive review. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising. 
